Many mornings I wake up full of fear. My fears are not based on my present circumstances, as I am safe and warm in my bed. My thoughts are either in the past, replaying some situation, or in the future, worrying about what might happen. I am usually focused on someone else. An example of this is when the addict has been out all night or using for days, and although I have not heard from him, I am already afraid. I am worried about what this latest binge may bring. All I want to do is roll-up in a ball and hide under the covers. Today, I know I can choose to use my Nar-Anon program and find an answer that helps me throw back the covers, get out of bed and get on with my life…


*The Daily Reading is an extract from the SESH Book which forms part of Nar-Anon’s official literature.  To order this book and others, please use this link.